On the occasion of the honorary visit of Governor Yuji KUROIWA and the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the partnership between Baden-Württemberg (THE LÄND) and Kanagawa, Japan, we cordially invite you to the seminar: 
Kanagawa x THE LÄND: 
Opportunities in Health Care and Life Sciences
  What can you expect at the event?  
Key insights into the life sciences and healthcare sector in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  Hands-on information on support measures for your business endeavour in Kanagawa Prefecture  
  For more detailed information and the program, please click on the tabs below.   
Would you like to take part?
You will be automatically redirected to the registration page via the “Register” button.
Participation is free of charge.
Registration is open until July 12, 4:00 PM. Please note that seats are limited. 
16:00 - 16:15 Arrival & Registration
16:15 - 16:20 Opening remarks 
16:20 - 16:30 Presentation by Yuji KUROIWA, Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture
Introduction of the “Healthcare New Frontier” policy of Kanagawa Prefectural Government
16:30 - 16:40
Presentation by Izuru UMEHARA, President of Yokohama National University
Research in Yokohama National University
16:40 - 17:00
Bridging Kanagawa and Baden-Württemberg in Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Support measures for overseas companies considering starting business in Kanagawa by Kanagawa Prefectural Government
  • Support measures for companies considering starting business in Kanagawa by BW_i
  • Introduction of industries in the fields of healthcare and life-science by Biopro BW
17:00 - 17:10
Presentation by Christian Stenske, CEO at The Force CT GmbH
Why Japan? Why Kanagawa? THE FORCE's Journey
17:10 - 17:25 Q&A and Networking
17:25 - 17:30 Farewell remarks & Closing
Theodor-Heuss Str. 2

70174 Stuttgart
Located just south of Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture is Japan’s second most populous prefecture. With one in every four people aged 65 or older, the prefectural government is taking a unique, integrated approach towards the issues of healthy aging and sustainable development. Since 2014, the prefectural government has been prioritizing the creation of a regional society in which people can achieve healthy longevity and better quality of life alongside the development of new industries and markets. Such initiatives include promotion of robust public-private partnerships and innovative R&D initiatives in the fields of life science and healthcare. The Prefecture’s efforts in close collaboration with industry and academia that be shared during the seminar. 
This event is organised by
Our cooperation partner
Caroline Müller-Runte
Manager Internationalisation (Japan, Southeast Asia)
Phone: +49 711 227 87-983
E-mail: caroline.mueller-runte@bw-i.de
Baden-Württemberg International 
Agency for International Economic
and Scientific Cooperation